
We practice the buddy system at Emmanuel Church, because we are persuaded by the African proverb, “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  To guide us in pursuit of our mission in the City of Boston, the Episcopal Church, and the world, we have set these priorities:

  • Provide radical welcome to people on the spiritual margins, especially members and allies of the GLBT community, and interfaith families;
  • Serve and advocate for people on the economic margins;
  • Strengthen and deepen the connections between music, the visual arts, and spirituality; and,
  • Be good stewards of our building and resources.

Our Mission Statement

Emmanuel Episcopal Church has been serving the urban community of greater Boston as a dynamic center for spiritual discovery and renewal since 1860.

  • We explore Christian tradition and foster inquiry through the celebration of liturgy, music, and the arts.
  • We strive for justice and peace.
  • We welcome all people without exception to our Eucharistic table.
  • We honor individuals of every age, gender, ethnic heritage, sexual orientation, and religious background.
  • We respect the dignity of every living being.