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4/4/10 | Emmanuel Episcopal Church in the City of Boston | Sermons by Preacher | ||||||||||||
Easter C | The Rev. Pamela L. Werntz, Rector | Sermons by Date | ||||||||||||
Whenever I begin to prepare a sermon, I start with the questions that I have about the Gospel passage appointed for the day. Why was the stone moved? To let Jesus out, or to let Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James and the other women with them in? Why did the men think the women were telling them an idle tale? Did men not believe reports of the experiences of women back in the olden days? Why were Jesus’ burial clothes left behind? What is the Risen Lord wearing? These are some of my questions. Many of us who have been coming to Easter services for as long as we can remember have been told countless times that Jesus is risen. Why do we look for the living among the dead? What’s our reason? Why do so many of us feel anxious when we encounter nothing, emptiness, when we look for Jesus, expecting to encounter something more solid – more tangible? Do we also assume that this is an idle tale from long ago, and just go through the motions of good and proper rituals? Just to be clear, the “we” I’m talking about is the “we” in this room – those of us who are observing Easter in this particular Episcopal Church. Is any of us looking for proof of the Risen Lord – something tangible – and coming up empty? Has anyone stopped looking for proof altogether, and is just hoping to sing some favorite hymns and be moved by the music, hoping to see some beautiful flowers, hoping for a short sermon and then a great Easter dinner? Naming means identifying and speaking about those instruments of violence and shame. Challenging those instruments always means conflict. For Jesus-followers, it must always mean non-violent conflict, but conflict nonetheless. This is particularly hard for Episcopalian Jesus-followers because so many of us are conflict-averse. Our often used, beautifully worded prayer for the Church, prayed at every celebration of ministry, and also on Good Friday, asks God to work out God’s plan of salvation in tranquility. It’s a prayer that recognizes that God is turning the world upside down – you know, “that things which were cast down are being raised up,” and old things are being made new. “Please God,” we pray, “work out salvation in tranquility – you know, quietly and without conflict. We Episcopalians would prefer not to be disturbed.” But I have to tell you that challenging instruments of violence and shame is very disturbing. Maybe our prayer is that some day it will not be so disturbing, but in the meantime, conflict is what we should expect if we are going to follow Jesus. And finally, we are called to participate with the Holy One, in healing. Healing sounds good, indeed it IS good, but it can also be painful. In our various ministries of healing, God is the healer, of course. Our work is to show up and be open to the possibilities of healing grace. And that is work – to admit our own need for healing, and to admit our ability, to admit our resources, to serve as vessels of God’s healing grace for others. But let’s go back to Luke’s story again – to what happens when the women are at a total loss to make sense of the empty space they see – and the emptiness they feel. Two men appear in dazzling clothes with a question that helps the women remember what they had forgotten when they were overwhelmed with the emptiness. What they remembered, I believe, was something like the promise of the Holy One from Isaiah 65:17 – our first reading today. My translation from the Hebrew is: “For I am creating new heavens and new earth; the former things shall please not be mentioned and shall please not come up in the heart.” (Two times the Holy One says please in that sentence and it’s not translated into English in our Bibles!) What the women remembered when those two men stood by them in their dazzling Easter outfits, was the promise that God is always doing something new, unexpected, unprecedented, and amazing! Always. Luke’s Easter proclamation is that, whatever emptiness we experience, God has not desired or required violence. And God has not disowned and abandoned Jesus or any of us, even in the midst of the worst, most violent, most shameful situations imaginable. The Risen Lord, the Christ, the Redeeming Urge of God, is alive and on the move. We are to be messengers – to tell others by our words and actions – that God’s Redeeming, Recreating energy is on the move! We are to spread the word, even if those we tell are going to think it is utter nonsense – an idle tale. 1. Clarence Jordan, quoted in The Substance of Faith and Other Cotton Patch Sermons by Clarence Jorden. Dallas Lee, ed. (New York: Association Press, 1972), p. 28. 2. Ibid., p. 29.