Celebrating Absalom Jones

Black History Month begins with commemorations in the Episcopal Church honoring Absalom Jones, the first black Episcopal priest in the U.S. whose feast day is February 13th . The Episcopal News Service gives a full listing of dioceses across the country that are holding special programs.

Our diocese has rescheduled its commemoration of Absalom Jones from February 11th to April 7th, at which time Bishop Alan Gates will preside at St. Cyprian’s, Roxbury, and the Reverend James Hairston will preach. For more about Absalom Jones (1746-1818), see the history page hosted by the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, Philadelphia.

Or listen to the sermon preached by The Reverend Yejide Peters Pietersen (Yale Divinity School) at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine on February 4, 2024. The Reverend Pietersen talks about how “saint becomes symbol” of faithful resistance and insistence in a post-Reconstruction era. She also honors Pauli Murray and Barbara Harris.

—Mary Beth Clack, Cindy Coldren, Pat Krol
–Published in This Week @Emmanuel Church February 7 & 14, 2024


  • 6 Jan. Our Candidate for Holy Orders, The Rev. Joshua Padraig (Paddy) Cavanaugh, was ordained to the priesthood at All Saints Church, Richmond VA.
  • 4 Feb.  Senior Warden Elizabeth (Liz) Levin retired after an eventful three-year tenure.  She ably steered us through the Covid pandemic, our rector’s sabbatical, and much more.  May her successor Rebekah Shore fill her big shoes!
  • The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray & The Rt. Rev. Barbara Harris on our Sanctuary’s pulpit

    28 April.  The Rt. Rev. Dr. Carol J. Gallagher, Assistant Bishop of our diocese, presided at our Sunday service for the dedication of Ted Southwick’s statue of the late Rt. Rev. Barbara Harris.

  • May. With funding from Hanna and James Bartlett, John Tiedemann’s crew cleaned our Sanctuary’s reredos and walls below its clerestory.  Jim Anderson designed a replacement herald for a window that had been broken in 2000 by firefighters.

    Photo by Julian Bullitt

    Charles Connick had designed its original to match Kempe’s heralds in the south clerestory.  Its banner reads in Latin:  with angels and archangels.  We thank Jill Zunshine, who funded it in memory of her husband Zach and in thanksgiving for her faith and hope.

  • 28 Sept.  The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates preached and presided at a service commemorating the Centennial of Lindsey Chapel.

    Thanks to the generosity of Hanna and James Bartlett the walls of our apse were cleaned.