Annual Meeting & Reports

Our annual meeting was held on Sunday, Feb. 9.  Thanks to Michael Scanlon for designing this cover, which features our seal and sanctuary doors to honor our partnership with Central Reform Temple.

Our 2024 Annual Report summarizes the year’s achievements in reports from our rector, deacon, wardens, vestry, commissions, delegates, and affiliated organizations.  It also includes minutes of the previous year’s annual meeting, leadership nominations, and courtesy resolutions.

See also our archive of earlier reports in PDF:

202320222021 | 2020 | 2019 | 201820172016 |  20152014 2013.

Taking our cue from Anne Lamott’s book about prayer, Help, Thanks, Wow, those who attended 2015 Annual Meeting jotted down prayers to God for Emmanuel Church, asking for help, giving thanks, and acknowledging awe.  Joy Howard made the following series of word clouds, which graphically represent the frequency of the words in our prayers.



word cloud for what amazes us about Emmanuel