History & Archives Commission

We welcome inquiries about our history, including past clergy and parishioners. Please see our History page with its links to these and other guides:

We also maintain these records, indexes, and finding aids, which we share with or search for those who email us: Archivist@emmanuelboston.org.

  1. Parish registers of baptisms, weddings, funerals, and parishioners
  2. Other lists of
    1. Families of parishioners & their burial locations
    2. Our clergy and ordinands
    3. Our notable women
    4. Our benefactors
    5. Our parish administrators
    6. Pew holders in 1860 & 1899
    7. Other items in our archives
  3. Maps of rectories, residences of early parishioners & historical locations
  4. Collections of
    1. Images of our clergy, parishioners & events
    2. Clergy correspondence and memorabilia
    3. Sermons
    4. Vestry minutes
    5. Yearbooks & annual reports


  • Mary Chitty, Parish Historian: Archivist@emmanuelboston.org
  • Mary Beth Clack, Clerk of the Vestry:  Vestry.MaryBeth@emmanuelboston.org
  • Peter Dutilloy:  Vestry.PeterD@emmanuelboston.org
  • Carol Reiman:  Reiman@emmanuelboston.org
  • Elizabeth Richardson:  clerk@emmanuelboston.org