Emmanuel Church is wheelchair accessible, with a ramp to the doors closest to Arlington Street, and a fully accessible bathroom on the main floor.
Subway Access
The circled T on the map marks the Arlington Street Station on the MBTA’s Green Line. From this station, at the corner of Arlington and Boylston streets, walk north along Arlington St. one block to Newbury Street. Across the street, behind the Taj Hotel, you should see our flags flying at 15 Newbury, which is marked by the green pin on the map.
Boston Common Garage
The entrance to the Garage is on Charles St. on the western edge of the Boston Common. From its pavillion, walk west across the Public Garden to Arlington Street, take a left, and walk around the Taj Hotel to 15 Newbury Street. Please see the Garage’s
map and directions from major arteries. While their evening and weekend rate is $11, packs of 20 half-price coupons are available. For other options, please see their rates.
Back Bay Garage
We will soon have new discounting chits, which all our people to park there Sunday mornings, thanks to their generosity. The red pin on the map marks the Clarendon St. entrance to the garage. From Emmanuel proceed along Newbury Street to Clarendon, turn left onto Clarendon, and cross Boylston Street. The entrance to the garage is on the left, opposite Trinity Church. Here are their rates & GPS.