See our gallery to identify some of our plants and donors. Our timeline identifies several famous gardeners who were connected with our church.
Our memorial garden draws questions and compliments from thousands of passers-by. While it seems to bloom effortlessly, it requires a great deal of work, and its fund needs to be replenished. This year, we need a new irrigation system, bulbs, compost, and shrubbery. We are thankful for all donations to revitalize our garden. Checks should be made payable to Emmanuel Church, memo: garden. Donations can also be made using CashApp (cashtag= $EmmanuelChurchBoston).
We are grateful to Nancy Mueller and Barbara Rose, who have stepped down as co-chairs of the Green Team after a decade of service. If you are called to help with the ministry of our garden, please contact Peter (
Gallery of Our Plants
Here are some of the plants you may see in our garden.

Our dark-leaved elderberry, Sambucus nigra “Black Lace” starts blooming in late May in the shady section.
Our Donors
Over a decade ago, in memory vestry member Frank Rose, his widow Barbara and our vestry established a fund to support our garden. Eleanor and Richard Konecy were also generous in their bequest for our garden and altar flowers. We are grateful to all who responded to our current fundraiser, including*
Tom Barber
Edgar Brenninkmeyer
Cindy & John Coldren
Nancy Coppelman, organizer
Paul Curtis
Barbara DeVries
Robert Diettrich
Sarah Gates
John Golenski
The Rev. Robert Greiner
Ann Higgins
Joy Howard & The Rev. Pamela Werntz
Margaret & Peter Johnson
Susan Kieffer, organizer
Penelope Lane
Liz Levin & Jenn Poole
Margaret Lias
Lynn Nowels & James Olesen
Nancy Peabody
Pauline Ratta
Jane Redmont
Elizabeth Richardson
Gennifer Sussman
Karen Thompson
Milly Wells
*Any donors who would like to be listed, please notify Our thanks to all who made this happen.