Right Here, Right Away

3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, Year B, January 22, 2012

Jonah 3:1-5, 10  God changed [God’s] mind.
1 Corinthians 7:29-31  The present form of this world is passing away.
Mark 1:14-20  And immediately….

O God of good news, grant us the wisdom, the strength and the courage to seek always and everywhere after truth, come when it may, and cost what it will.

This morning, I want us to notice that we have before us in our Gospel reading, Mark’s story of the beginning of Jesus’ ministry (we’re only 14 verses in to first chapter of the Gospel of Mark). After John was arrested, according to Mark, Jesus came out of the Judean desert and into the Galilee announcing that God’s realm was very near. Jesus’ instructions were the same as John’s: to repent, that is, turn around toward God. A complete re-orientation is what they were calling for. “Turn around, the God you are searching for is right behind you, loving you, supporting you!” Jesus began to assemble a team to help him spread this good news that there is an entirely different kind of kingdom – or realm – an entirely different way to be governed than the way the empire does it.
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Try it, you’ll like it!

2nd Sunday after Epiphany, Year B, Jan. 15, 2012

1 Samuel 3:1-20  Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.
1 Corinthians 6:12-20  Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God and that you are not your own?
John 1:43-51  You [all] will see greater things than these.

O God of calling and questing, may we have the wisdom, the strength, and the courage to seek always and everywhere after truth – come when it may and cost what it will.

Those of you who hear me preach on a regular basis know that I often comment on the reading appointments made in our common lectionary. And today is no different. In the midst of sequential readings during the season of Epiphany that are all from the Gospel of Mark, we have a passage from the Gospel of John. I don’t have the foggiest idea why. The answer often given is that the Gospel of Mark is just too short – it moves too fast. (I’ve parroted that answer myself.) But when I stop to think about it, I realize that I’ve never heard anyone in church complain that a Gospel reading (or a sermon, for that matter) was too short!
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One Day

1st Sunday after the Epiphany, Year B, January 8, 2012

Genesis 1:1-5  “Beginning”
Acts 19:1-7  “We have not even heard that there is a holy spirit.”
Mark 1:4-11 “He will baptize you with the [sic] holy spirit.”

O God of new beginnings, grant us the strength, the wisdom and the courage to seek always and everywhere after truth, come when it may, and cost what it will. Amen.

One of the peculiarities of the Western Christian liturgical calendar in these post-modern times is that the glorious Feast of the Epiphany, which always falls on January 6, the 12th day of Christmas, doesn’t get much purchase in our parish churches unless January 6 happens to fall on a Sunday. And the first Sunday after the Epiphany is the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord. That is the feast we observe today. And the problem, at least for our organist Nancy Granert and me (and probably others), is that that leaves no proper place to sing the most exquisite hymn setting of “Brightest and best of the stars of the morning,” except for maybe a hymn-sing in the summer. And so, as we did our usual weekly collaboration on music, we noted with regret that it would seem out of place to sing this hymn on a day that celebrates the Jesus’ encounter with John the Baptist at the Jordan River some three decades after his infancy. But I couldn’t let it go. I asked if it would be too weird to sing it. And Nancy’s enthusiastic response was “it would be weird and fab!” And I thought, “hey, that’s just like us – weird and fabulous!” Continue reading

Hugo Cabret

Integer sit amet nisl at neque interdum vulputate et sit amet nisl. Vestibulum vulputate lacinia luctus. Mauris quis lacus diam, vitae mollis leo. Nulla fringilla mauris ut sapien pulvinar rhoncus aliquet lectus tincidunt. Praesent in odio est, quis aliquam lectus. Nulla est libero, vehicula vitae venenatis nec, placerat ornare sapien. Morbi vel dolor lorem Continue reading


Fusce nisi dolor, pulvinar eu tempus non, gravida vitae felis. Morbi mi diam, euismod eu iaculis vitae, tristique ac lorem. Donec nunc lectus, auctor quis dignissim et, semper bibendum ipsum. Vestibulum ipsum elit, ornare id elementum at, volutpat facilisis nisi. Fusce arcu felis, pretium nec dignissim eget, consequat id est. Praesent non bibendum nisi. Sed auctor molestie euismod. Morbi varius, justo nec egestas pulvinar, massa felis bibendum mi, interdum consequat metus diam nec odio. Continue reading

Star Wars

Vivamus nec tristique velit. Integer suscipit elit bibendum tellus dapibus ultricies. Donec lobortis enim convallis odio varius vel pharetra libero varius. Sed faucibus nisl vitae neque ullamcorper ut adipiscing mauris fermentum. Fusce eu tincidunt sem. Cras vitae augue a dui consequat fermentum sed ut est. Sed id arcu mauris, porttitor malesuada magna. Sed sagittis bibendum libero, in aliquam quam rutrum non. Sed ante leo, cursus a pellentesque non, convallis at dolor. Continue reading


Vivamus nec tristique velit. Integer suscipit elit bibendum tellus dapibus ultricies. Donec lobortis enim convallis odio varius vel pharetra libero varius. Sed faucibus nisl vitae neque ullamcorper ut adipiscing mauris fermentum. Fusce eu tincidunt sem. Cras vitae augue a dui consequat fermentum sed ut est. Sed id arcu mauris, porttitor malesuada magna. Sed sagittis bibendum libero, Continue reading

Baptizing in the Strong Name of the Trinity

Preached on June 19, 2011

Creating God, grant us the strength, the wisdom and the courage to seek always and everywhere after truth, come when it may, and cost what it will.

I hope you liked the reading of the beginning of Genesis. We don’t hear it very often in our liturgy – scheduled, as it is, for a summer Sunday every three years. I wonder if you noticed how many times God beheld the goodness of creation – six times God saw what was good. And when it came to humankind, God saw that humankind was very good. (Not perfect, but very good!) Continue reading