Musings from the Margins
Embrace the grief!
It has been a week (two weeks for Common Art and Emmanuel Cafe) of my not seeing people in the group because of the holiday and a cold. During this short absence from the groups, I got a notification about the sudden loss of our long-term “artist in the kitchen,” Tenzin.
I am thinking about the connections between people and me, the experience of loss, and the available place of grief. I know these topics seem like a broad and never-ending speech, but it happens to our community so often. The pain of grief can impact both mental and physical health. Some people might experience difficulty keeping an energy balance, eating, or sleeping. Continue reading
In Honor of Trans Day of Remembrance
Being Present Consistently
Bending Time
“If you cannot imagine a future that you would want to be a part of because of the trauma of your past, that’s a recipe for despair.” –The Rev. Pamela L. Werntz
Group Play
Bringing Myself into the Community
Welcome our new expressive-arts interns!
I am Wanyi, a second-year graduate student studying Art Therapy at Lesley University. Having grown up in Taiwan, I had the chance to learn fine art for my bachelor’s degree and was fortunate to have lived and taught in three different countries. During those time periods, I found the therapeutic power of art through leading art-making sessions in my communities. To further my knowledge in using art as a therapeutic medium, I came to the US to learn from the best.