The Bishop’s Summer Academic and Fun Enrichment Program (B-SAFE) is a five-week, full-day program serving young people from first grade through high school. The goal of the program is to build a community where all people feel safe, feel big, and feel connected. This summer St. Stephen’s Youth Program in Boston’s South End in partnership with many other Episcopal churches will be running ten programs in six Boston-area neighborhoods. Each site’s programs will include reading, writing and math; visual- and performing-art workshops; science activities; recreational activities; and many field trips. A healthy breakfast and lunch will be served each day, along with an end-of-day snack. In addition, B-SAFE offers meaningful work experience for teens and young adults hired as counselors-in-training and as staff. For the fifth week, the middle-school kids and the trainees attend the Barbara C. Harris Camp in New Hampshire.
B-SAFE receives support through our diocesan budget and through partnerships with 55 Episcopal churches that provide volunteers, lunches, and field trips. Emmanuel has been participating for the last eight summers at Saint Mary’s Episcopal Church, Dorchester. Donations are accepted in support of the program by noting “B-SAFE” in the memo field. Please also consider volunteer possibilities – help make lunches, be a “breakfast angel,” or help with our table at Coffee Hour to share the news and ask for support. Thank you for your support!
For more information contact Peggy Bradley.