Emmanuel Church in the City of Boston laid its cornerstone on 17 June 1861 and held its first service on 15 December 1861. For more detail, please see the Timeline of Our Building History and other links in the right column. This guide identifies the artists, architects, artisans, benefactors, and people memorialized by our windows, furnishings, memorial plaques, and other artifacts. These pages give an introduction to our building’s treasures:
- Heating & Ventilation
- Highlights of Our Building & Timeline
- Highlights of Our Stained Glass
- Highlights of Our Furnishings & Memorials
- Mary Glen Chitty (archivist@emmanuelboston.org)
Parish Historian, History & Archives Commission Chair - Michael Scanlon, Building Commission Chair (scanlon.michael@emmanuelboston.org)
- Elizabeth Richardson, compiler (clerk@emmanuelboston.org)
- Photographers
- Julian Bullitt (julian@emmanuelboston.org)
- The Rev. Robert Greiner (deacon@emmanuelboston.org)
- Matthew Griffing (vestry.matt@emmanuelboston.org)
- Joy Howard
- the late Donald Kreider
- Elizabeth Richardson
- Virginia Raguin, whose talk on stained glass at our diocese’s Annual Parish Historians’ Society 2010 meeting inspired us to solve some mysteries about our windows
- Cynthia Zaitzevsky, landscape historian, whose grandfather worked in Connick’s stained-glass studio, for her research