
The significant aspect of Thanksgiving for me is not the abundance of food but the time to reflect on the things for which I am grateful. In my family, it is a Thanksgiving tradition that we each share with the others gathered at our table our most favored blessings.
This year I will credit my internship with Emmanuel Church as being my greatest blessing. From the start, I have felt honored to be accepted into the three programs that are a part of this internship, and anticipated this would be a tremendous opportunity. My association with Emmanuel Church has been enlightening and is providing experiences rich in ways no textbook or classroom could begin to relate. Perhaps what I am most grateful for are the relationships developed with people that I would not have likely met otherwise. These relationships have contributed to a newfound sensitivity for the wellbeing of populations not previously known. In turn, this has led me to being more aware in my choices of words or actions around others as I learn more about their lives.

I am grateful for the goodness I’ve witnessed in many of the individuals I’ve met in Café Emmanuel, Art and Spirituality and the Common Art programs. In each of the populations served (LGBT elders, incarcerated women, homeless and marginally-housed people), I’ve seen acts of kindness to each other and in many cases have also been the recipient of such considerations. I have learned that charity is beneficial to both the giver and the receiver, and when it comes from the heart, it is the most valuable of resources.
As weeks go by I am becoming more comfortable in my role as a facilitator. This allows me to be more present and connect deeper with the members of each group. Last week one such developing relationship led to a portrait being given to me by one of the Common Art participants. It is a lovely portrait by a talented artist that I am sincerely honored to have received. However, the nicest aspect of this gift was the quality time spent for the portrait sitting during which I learned more about the artist’s interests and personal history.  I am reminded that every individual has a compelling story to tell when we take the time to listen.
–Brianna Babick