Over the last few weeks my time at common art has began to wrap up as I prepare for the end of my internship. It feels like the past month has gone by so fast and has been filled with countless learning opportunities.

Over the last few weeks my time at common art has began to wrap up as I prepare for the end of my internship. It feels like the past month has gone by so fast and has been filled with countless learning opportunities.
Over the past few weeks, I have found myself settling into new routines after the holidays and beginning of the New Year. Yet as we move into February, it has occurred to me that we are at the one-year mark of the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how feelings about this anniversary will arise within community members and will show up in their art and their behavior.
Collaborative collage created by BostonWarm participants to commemorate the program’s five-year anniversary
It was tough for me to figure out what to write about for this week. It’s not that nothing happened, that’s for sure—there’s always plenty going on at BostonWarm and common art—rather, there was no singular topic or moment I could think to focus on. I was starting to ask fewer questions of my (incredibly patient) supervisors and starting to learn better how to initiate things on my own. Was it possible that I was starting to find my “groove” here at my internship?
Of course, now I realize that I did indeed have a noteworthy moment at BostonWarm—I led my first art project!