Small World(s): Emmanuel & Church of the Holy Spirit, Mattapan

January 7, 2025

Last Juneteenth some Emmanuelites attended the celebration at the Church of the Holy Spirit (CHS), Mattapan. Since that time, we discovered an essential connection between our church and CHS. In 1886, a generous gift of Annie Lawrence Lamb (1857-1950) enabled the founding of CHS which was dedicated to her father, Benjamin Smith Rotch (1817-1882). Benjamin Rotch was co-founder of the New Bedford Cordage Company and one of our church’s founding proprietors. He was a member of Emmanuel’s first vestry, one of the first convention delegates, and warden from 1880-1882. Appointed to the committee to obtain subscriptions for the building of the church in the 1860s, Rotch also served on the committee considering the enlargement of the church during the same period. Our Emmanuel website has wonderful descriptions of the family’s gifts, in particular, the Rotch reredos and communion table. Continue reading

“In Christ, Called to Collaborate”

The theme of our October Diocesan Convention was “In Christ, Called to Collaborate.” Several of the sessions were recorded and can be viewed here.  In summary:

Clergy and delegates of eastern Massachusetts Episcopal congregations, gathered in Diocesan Convention last month, adopted measures to advance ongoing racial justice work in the diocese as well as congregational health and wellness, and they expanded organizational procedures in the diocesan canons to allow for a new category of ‘intentional Episcopal communities.’ Continue reading

Initiatives of Episcopal Dioceses & City of Boston

When we met last July in Chapel Camp, Emmanuelites said that they would welcome learning more about resources related to repair, reconciliation, and reparations. Last week, we offered a glimpse of Diomass’s journey on the topic. We’ve begun to explore other dioceses’ postings about discussions and/or commitments to ongoing processes and approaches to restoration and healing. We are gradually learning, too, about other local churches’ processes of inquiry and action in this regard. Continue reading

Our Journey into Reparations

As we begin our shared journey into Reparations, we need to assess how far we have come, both individually and as a faith community. Last Fall in a historic vote, the 237th Annual Diocesan Convention created a Reparations Fund with a goal of $11.1 million, “as part of our effort to address our legacy of wealth accumulated through the enslaved labor of Africans and Afro-Caribbeans on our behalf and for our use today.” More information is here.

We will draw on our diocesan Tool Kit for Reparations in Community, as we explore our response to reparations. Before any talk of specific reparations, however, we must explore some basic questions together from that Tool Kit.

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  • InstitutionMarch 7.  The Rev. Pamela L. Werntz was installed as 12th rector with the Rt. Rev. Thomas M. Shaw presiding.  See The Musical Intelligencer‘s interview with John Harbison, in which he discusses the history of Emmanuel Music, its founder Craig Smith, The Rev. Alvin L. Kershaw, Pam’s musical background, and her dedication to our music program.
  • September.  Bishop Shaw presided at our celebration of the 150th anniversary of the church’s founding.
  • Vintage Books published Mary Catherine Bateson‘s Composing a Further Life: The Age of Active Wisdom, in which she discusses the influence of our 9th rector, Al Kershaw (pp. 171-2 & 1979-80). See also Timeline:  1963 & 1969.


  • Our first website was launched by Donald Kreider, who later served as vestry member, clerk, and treasurer.
  • The Rev. Dr. Deborah Little Wyman launched what became Ecclesia Ministries. She described her first efforts in a Baccalaureate address,  “After two years of hanging out on park benches, subway stations, heating grates and train tunnels in Boston, during the week before Easter 1996, I had the idea that we could actually have an outdoor worshipping church. I sensed people were waiting to be gathered. That Easter I set up a folding table on Boston Common and 10 brave souls came.”    Ecclesia today sustains common cathedral, common art (which meets at Emmanuel on Wednesdays), and Boston Warm (which meets at Emmanuel on Mondays and Fridays).
    See also: Timeline 1995.
  • Oct. 28.  The Rev. William Blaine-Wallace was installed as 11th rector.BBW253


  • The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts 1784-1984: A Mission to Remember, Proclaim, and Fulfill by Mark J. Duffy, Director of the Archives of the Episcopal Church, was published by our diocese with references to our missions.  Bard R. Hamlen wrote its chapter on Emmanuel (pp. 162-6).
  • June.  Carolyn Roosevelt joined the Parish Choir, directed by Andy Castiglione, and has been its faithful soprano ever since.


Our mission to the South End, renamed Chapel of the Ascension, moved to 69 West Concord St.. Minister-in-Charge, the Rev. Walter E.C. Smith expanded its youth activities.

Parishioner Annie Lawrence Lamb gave funds in memory of her father, Benjamin Smith Rotch (1817-1882), to found Church of the Holy Spirit, Mattapan.

Rear of Church of the Holy Spirit, Mattapan, which was designed by Arthur Rotch. Photo credit: Ch. of the Holy Spirit


The Rev. Dr. Leighton Parks became our third rector.TimeLineLeightonparksHead1

He requested free seats at afternoon services, which required releases of pew holders’ rights. For biographical information on Dr. Parks please see the chapter on him in Emmanuel Church, 1860-1960: The First Hundred Years.


The Dakota League was incorporated into the Massachusetts branch of the Women’s Auxiliary to the Episcopal Board of Missions, which had formed in 1871. Since its founding here in 1864, the League had raised $56K for Native Americans and $8500 for freedmen, according to the Boston Evening Transcript of 18 October.


Parishioner Benjamin Tyler Reed gave $100,000 for the establishment of a school of theology in Cambridge MA, which was incorporated as the Episcopal Theological School.  For its 50th anniversary in July 1917, John H. Wilson wrote a brief history on p. 4 of The Witness, which listed among its first board of trustees Emmanuelite Edward Sprague Rand.  Early trustees affiliated with Emmanuel included Gov. Alexander H. Rice, Clement Fay, and John H. Burnham.

See also 2021.

photo credit: WikiCommons