Respond, repair, rebuild!

Proper 26B.  31 October 2021. The Rev. Pamela L. Werntz

Ruth 1:1-18. Do not beg me to leave you anymore, woman.
Hebrews 9:11-14. Purify our conscience from dead observances for worship of the living God.
Mark 12:28-34.  You are not far from the Realm of God.

O God of our redemption, grant us the strength, the wisdom and the courage to seek always and everywhere after truth, come when it may, and cost what it will.

Many of you know that the formal name of our educational and artistic collaboration program with Central Reform Temple is Emmanuel Center. You’ll see our statement of purpose in the back of your bulletins. Essentially it says that faithfully rooted in our distinct religious traditions and shared spiritual heritage, we model compassionate encounters between Judaism and Christianity that affirm the difficult challenges of history and aspire to new levels of understanding. The Emmanuel Center Board comprises leaders from the parish and the synagogue to plan activities that explore spiritual and ethical perspectives on our shared human experience. When the board met this past Tuesday, we spent considerable time talking about the history being made right now with regard to the tens of thousands of refugees of rapacious militarism coming into the US from Afghanistan to be resettled here. Afghani people are living in refugee camps on five military bases in this country; the pictures of Fort Bliss (a highly ironic name) in New Mexico show about 100 huge tents holding 6,000 people. Our conversation on the board had to do with our moral obligation to respond with welcome and assistance, and the process of figuring out how. Where to begin? Continue reading


  • Our webmaster Matt Griffing

    Sept.  Working with Michael Scanlon and members of the Communication Commission, Matthew Griffing redesigned our website by adapting a WordPress theme. Joy Howard wrote the text of its ‘hub’ pages (seen in the horizontal purple menu bar above).  Parish Historian Mary Chitty wrote many history pages (under Mission). Elizabeth Richardson launched blogs for our rector’s sermons and this timeline and created web versions of Mary’s building guide and Michael Shea’s brochure Lindsey Chapel:  Its History & Architecture.

  • Oct. 9. The Emmanuel Center launched “Spirituality & the Arts”, a program of talk-back sessions moderated by Rabbi Howard Berman and our rector.  They explored spiritual, ethical and social issues raised by five plays in Speakeasy Stage Company’s upcoming season.