• July 3. Mezzo-soprano Lorraine Hunt Lieberson died.
  • Pat Krol arrived from the Boston Symphony Orchestra to become Executive Director of Emmanuel Music and an ex-officio member of our vestry.
  • Parish Administrator Kelly Reed hired Sid Richardson as the youngest of several event sextons.
  • Fences designed by David Polando were installed by DeAngelis Iron Work with funding from the Edward Ingersoll Brown Fund and the City of Boston.hardscapeMeditationWest253



  • Dec. 6. Founded by Craig Smith, Emmanuel Music offered its first Bach cantata, Süßer Trost, mein Jesus kömmt (BWV 151) with Jane Bryden, soprano; Mary Seo, mezzo-sopran; Mark Baker, baritone; Robert Stallman, flute; Steven Goble, oboe d’amore, and Craig Smith, conducting.
  • Pauli Murray attended a conference of Episcopal women at Graymoor Monastery, Garrison NY, which led to the founding of the Episcopal Women’s Caucus. She was then appointed to the Commission on Ordained and Licensed Ministries, which determined that, according to the Church’s Constitution and Canons, the General Convention could confirm women’s eligibility for ordination.  Despite the Commission’s recommendation, the Convention that year voted to only allow women’s ordination to the diaconate.  See pp. 418-19 of her Autobiography (cited on Timeline 1989) and please see our page and other Timeline entries: 1951, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1985, 1987, 2012 & 2015.


The Business & Professional Women’s Guild (formerly Club) had 98 members.  Its officers were Miss Lydia LeBaron Walker, President; Miss Caroline G. Whitney, Vice-President and Recording Secretary; Miss Margaret A. Cooke, Corresponding Secretary; Maude D. Gowen; Treasurer.  Our archives has its membership directory for that church year. The Guild was active for another decade.


  • 13 October. After its Planning Committee led by Misses E. Louis Seymour and Elsie L. Jones had laid the groundwork, the Business & Professional Women’s Club held its first meeting.  Alberta Pond and Adele Herrick became its first president and secretary, respectively. They held monthly suppers after which members worked on projects or enjoyed entertainment.


  • Mary Robeson Sargent died of diabetes at the age of 66.
  • Courtenay Baylor (1870-1947) published Remaking a Man: One Successful Method of Mental Refitting (NY: Moffat, Yard), full text.  Recently helped by our fourth rector Elwood Worcester, Baylor gave up his insurance business to join the Emmanuel staff in 1912.  Under Worcester’s supervision he became a lay therapist for alcoholics.CourtneyBaylor253

In 1925 he and Worcester formed the Craigie Foundation to continue their work privately in anticipation of Worcester’s retirement from Emmanuel Church in 1929.  In his book, Baylor claimed he had success with about two thirds of a thousand patients.  Through his patients Rowland Hazard III and Richard R. Peabody he influenced William  G. Wilson, a founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.

For more information on Baylor’s contribution see:

  • “The Continuation of Therapy:  Courtenay Baylor and Richard R. Peabody”, pp. 35-59 in Richard M. Dubiel, The Road to Fellowship:  The Role of the Emmanuel Movement and the Jacoby Club in the Development of Alcoholics Anonymous (NY:iUniverse for the Hindsfoot Foundation, 2004).
  • “Worcester in Retirement and Successors to the Emmanuel Movement”, pp. 99-108 in Sanford Gifford, The Emmanuel Movement:  The Origins of Group Treatment and the Assault on Lay Psychotherapy (Boston: Harvard U. Press for the Francis Countway Library of Medicine, 1997).
  • “Early alcoholism treatment: the Emmanuel Movement and Richard Peabody”, K. McCarthy. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 45(1):59-74, Jan. 1984. PMID:  6366377.


  • Leighton Parks rejected a call from a Brooklyn parish.  The Vestry quickly began work on a larger church, which would add forty pews.
  • The Ascension Chapter (#1407) of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew was organized by the Rev. Edward Atkinson.
  • Harriet Dexter Lawrence Hemenway, 1890, by John Singer Sargent. Credit: WikiCommons

    Harriet Lawrence Hemenway and her cousin Minna B. Hall founded the Mass. Audubon Society.  For some time they had fought against the slaughter of egrets and other birds for their plumes by organizing women to stop wearing feathered hats.


Richard S. Fay (1806-65), drawn in 1847 by Duane H. Hurd (History of Essex County MA, 1888).

Richard S. Fay , member of our founding vestry, helped found and manage the Cooperative Society of Volunteer Visitors to the Poor in response to high unemployment coupled with the devastating fire that had left many poor people homeless in Boston.  Having undergone name changes since then, the Society abides with us as Community Work Services, which provides job training to those with disabilities or living in poverty.  Under the direction of Rob Yeomans, trainees clean and maintain our facilities, which are enjoyed by the many groups of our community.