• Feb. 12. The Rev. Dr. Phillips Endecott Osgood was installed as our fifth rector. For information about him and his tenure, please see the chapter on him in Emmanuel Church, 1860-1960: The First Hundred Years.
  • Nov. 23.  Our former organist Lynnwood Farnam, who was head of the Organ Department at the Curtis Institute of Music, died and bequeathed his papers to their library.  In 1932, the Theodore Presser Co. (Phila.), published his Toccata on “O Filii et Filiae, which he had played when he tested the “full organ” sound of the many organs he visited.
  • Charles Scribner’s Sons published The Rev. Elwood Worcester‘s autobiography Life’s Adventure: The Story of a Varied Career (OCLC# 1896075). For a description of his ministry based on it, please see Wikipedia on the Emmanuel Movement and our page.

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