Barbara DeVries became senior warden with George Graham as junior warden. She served not only for the three years of a rocky interim between rectors but also in these capacities for over forty years, a veritable Biblical span!
- Vestry member in 1968-74 & 1979-82 under Rectors Metters & Kershaw
- Junior warden from 1986-1989 under Rector Kershaw
- Treasurer from 2011-15 under our rector Pam Werntz.
- Member of our Finance Commission and Altar Guild. She guided our Green Team with her friend Jr. Warden Nancy Mueller and selected the red floribunda rose, which still blooms in our garden. Here she is pictured in 2024 with another friend, Ann Higgins, who has served for years as head of our Altar Guild under Rector Werntz.