At the instigation of the late Sam Mygatt and in loving memory of him, funds have been raised to replace three alabaster statues and repair the altar screen behind them. Sculptor Simon Verity has fashioned from Ninian Comper’s drawings replacement statues of saints Genevieve of Paris, Eulalia of Mérida, and Teresa of Ávila. Our Building Commission has contracted with Decorative Art Restoration of Salem MA to re-paint parts of the altar screen and clean the statues which have accumulated a century of soot. Julian Bullitt has made a display indexing the statues.
See also: Altar Screen & Statues
Thanks to Julian Bullitt for this image of Sir Ninian Comper’s statues of saints Mary Salome with her sons James & John, and Veronica with her veil showing the face of Christ.
Thanks to Julian Bullitt for this image of saints Barbara and Apollonia, who has been partially cleaned.